Are you planning to breed from your cat?

Sadly complications during pregnancy, birth and afterwards can occur, which is always worrying. When Joan decided to breed from her Siamese cat, Bootsie, she was so relieved when all three kittens (two girls and one boy) were born healthy and without complications.
Jago however was much smaller than his two sisters and unfortunately, when he was just eight weeks old, he started to show signs of a serious intestinal condition called an intussusception.
The vet warned Joan that as Jago was so tiny, there was a chance he may not survive the operation needed to save him … and she prepared herself for the worst.
Against the odds, Jago survived his surgery. However he remained extremely unwell in the days that followed and the vet suggested that if there was no improvement they’d have to consider putting Jago to sleep. For Joan, she had to do what was best for her kitten and prepared to say her goodbyes.
Miraculously however, Jago started to show signs of improvement and after many weeks of veterinary care, he slowly regained his strength and put on weight. Thankfully for Joan, she had added breeding risks cover to Bootsie’s Agria policy. This is an optional benefit that protects both the queen and her kittens, so Jago’s treatment was also covered.
“The vet did an amazing job operating on such a tiny kitten,” Joan commented. “But I couldn’t have contemplated the operation without Agria’s breeding risks cover and was so relieved to have so much help towards the costs.”
What does Agria’s breeding risks cover protect against?
Breeding risks cover is a unique, optional add-on to Agria’s lifetime cat insurance policy and is designed to cover a range of complications arising before, during and after giving birth.
At a glance, the queen and her litter are cover for:
- Fertility examinations and tests if there is difficulty conceiving (or difficulty impregnating if your cat is a boy)
- Vet’s fees for complications from pregnancy and from giving birth
- Your cat’s death as a result of any complications
- Veterinary fees for kittens pre-sale including the cost of treatment for weak or fading kittens
Joan explained, “I added this cover to Bootsie’s policy as many breeders have experienced a time when their breeding queen unexpectedly needed a C-section. As the cost of this operation has risen, it’s reassuring to have the peace of mind, that if this or any other treatment is required, I’d have help towards the vet’s bills.”
Breeding risks cover is designed to be added after a policy has been set up when an owner decides to breed from their cat. Cover should be set up 12 weeks before a planned mating to ensure the full gestation period is covered cover. Other cat insurance policies tend not to cover anything associated with pregnancy or breeding.
Bootsie’s litter, the next chapter
Joan decided to sell the two girls to her close friend. However, the girls’ new owner had fallen in love with plucky little Jago too and just had to have him as well!
Not taking any chances, Joan set-up 5 Weeks Free Agria kitten cover policies for Jago and his sisters when they left for their new home – a straightforward, fast, online activation process.
Moreover, because all the kittens had been covered under Bootsie’s policy, any conditions that had been identified when the kittens were still with Joan would also be covered under this 5 Weeks Free policy … and the resulting annual Agria policies their new owner took out!
Joan says, “I always use Agria’s 5 Weeks Free cover for my litters. It allows me to send the kittens off to their new homes with the best possible start.”
Here are some of the key benefits of issuing Agria 5 Weeks Free cover with your kittens:
- Immediate cover for accident and illness, providing essential protection for you, your kittens and their new owners if something goes wrong in those first few vulnerable weeks in the new home
- Super-fast, simple cover note activation. It takes just 2 minutes and can be done up to 10 days before the kittens leave
- Cover set up by you – so you know that cover is in place