Can dogs eat strawberries?

The good news is, yes! It is perfectly fine to share your fruity treat with your dog. The same applies to younger dogs. Puppies can eat strawberries too.
Health benefits for dogs eating strawberries
Whilst you may think strawberries aren't part of a dog's regular diet, it's worth remembering that dogs are omnivores. This means they can digest fruit and vegetables as well as meat.
There are lots of health benefits for any dog that enjoy a strawberry or two! Vitamin C, potassium and manganese are in abundance in this delicious berry. Vitamin C can help to boost the canine immune system. Manganese is a mineral that helps your dog take energy from the carbohydrates and proteins in their other food. Potassium, particularly in its natural form rather than added artificially to dog food, is excellent for nerve and muscle function.
Another benefit of strawberry eating is that it helps to keep your dog's teeth white. Strawberries contain a tooth-whitening enzyme.
How many strawberries can my dog eat?
Strawberries do contain sugar, albeit a naturally occurring sugar. With canine diabetes on the rise, it is best to limit the number of treats your dog receives, particularly if they are on the chunky side. Vets and nutritionists recommend that treats make up no more than 10% of your dog's diet. For that reason, don't feed your dog a whole punnet but the odd one here and there may well be beneficial.
What about feeding strawberries to puppies?
As mentioned above, strawberries are totally safe for puppies to eat. Make sure they are small pieces to avoid any issues with choking. With puppies, be careful about the number of treats you give them. They need a nutritionally balanced complete feed to ensure they grow big and strong rather than getting their sustenance from the little extras from our plates!